'https://www.instagram.com/chess_fight_night/?igshid=17nnhukn2phj7 https://www.facebook.com/ChessFightNight/ http://cfn.su lichess club - https://lichess.org/team/chess-fight-night #ChessFightNight #Chess #LiveChess Hey! We are Chess Fight Night Team. We enjoy sharing the atmosphere of the Russian chess club CFN in Moscow. Our tournaments are without a fee for players rated from 1700+ (FIDE/ Russian rating). We provide our players with the opportunity to play in comfortable conditions and on the best equipment of world standards. At the same time, chess players of different levels play here: from amateurs to world champions. Each of our tournaments is accompanied by a live broadcast on our channel. In addition to the official chess games, there are videos with our residents in an informal setting, interviews with them, extransory chess with Fatality, streams with CFN club members on lichess. The basis of our channel is chess in a traditional format, but we are not afraid of experimenting in this and are open to new ideas and projects. Наши резиденты: Fatality, Pinkamena, Stormbreaker Jr, Aladdin, GM Burger King, Al Pacino, Neo, Lada.'
Tags: queen , blitz , king , rapid , Knight , Chess , check , bishop , слон , cfn , roque , ajedrez , настольные игры , checkmate , король , Шах и Мат , rook , шахматы для всех , шахматный стрим , отборный блиц , fatality chess , атака на короля , ферзь , рокировка , шахматы , ладья , пешка , шахматный турнир , xadrez , блиц , chessqueen , echecs , шахматы канал , schach , womaninchess , chess tricks , chess fight night , шахматист , конь , гроссмейстер , шахматы онлайн , chessplayer , шахматы видео , игра в шахматы , играть в шахматы , chesstournament
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