'Hi friends, this video is a review of the It Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC Cream with 50+ SPF. This video is not sponsored. Thank you for watching. it Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC Cream with 50+ SPF: https://www.sephora.com/ca/en/product/your-skin-but-better-cc-cream-with-spf-50-P423423 it Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC Cream with 50+ SPF Oil-Free: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi7zvfC3Nr1AhWaam8EHZPSBqcYABAMGgJqZg&ohost=www.google.ca&cid=CAESWOD2LKZwG4V6ZE9KsMCe1K7vPadJiAX-aGERfiqAPJQ-u3Eh6sK6j8_84zPp0FmY0tVprn4ys0dxb_I6idvuVBNLeQmDR4X_j39XSRic_UyVSjOEoMifOsQ&sig=AOD64_1BI_Df2ERNzYwQazgztepcK7KKfQ&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwimqujC3Nr1AhVvj4kEHfr9BeIQqyh6BAgBEEQ&adurl= #productreview, #beauty, #youtuber, #review, #makeup, #skincare'
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