'Check out more videos and SUBSCRIBE: http://vid.io/xAg SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=carahamelie03 I asked on twitter if you guys prefer really thorough reviews like this one or if you like them to be more quick. I am never sure if I should edit out some info to make it shorter or if you want it ALL. Let me know in the comments what you prefer with reviews. I want them to be as informative as possible... but I want you guys to like watching them too. Here is my friends link to these lashes if you are interested in trying them: https://shop.toribellecosmetics.com/Liveluvlashes/Home?fbclid=IwAR0Nm3o2KA5NPKC90KUFwuLxBsv8TSuYCT9luK5CHqB51QbqavcgxUjowIE Thank you for watching! For business Inquiries, Please e-mail me at: [email protected] I will NOT answer personal e-mails sent to this address :) If you are looking to write me a personal msg, the best way to get a hold of me is through a message on Instagram. **PLEASE follow my other profiles so you don\'t miss any videos!** WEBSITE: http://www.ourwonderland.com TWITTER: http://twitter.com/CarahAmelie INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/carahamelie/ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/carahamelie/ FACE BOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CarahAmelieInsiders/ SNAPCHAT: carahamelie GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/63101561-carah-amelie VLOG CHANNEL (Our Wonderland Life): http://www.youtube.com/user/CarahsLife HUSBANDS CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/SketchyTrav BOOK OUTLET: http://bit.ly/2VaxTCO #magneticlinerandlashes #magneticliner #magneticlashes'
Tags: fashion , beauty , tutorial , cosmetics , style , Trends , makeup , review , drugstore , hair , false lashes , does this thing really work , fake lashes , as seen on tv , magnetic lashes , trying weird products , Carahamelie03 , carahslife , Lash Tutorial , how to apply lashes , weird products , magnetic liner , magnetic eyeliner , magnetic liner and lashes , tori belle review , magnetic eye liner , liner and lashes , magnetic liner review , trying MLM products
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