'Saõ Tomé, Africa Tchiloli Dance Ceremony: Jessica Bastidas'

'Saõ Tomé, Africa Tchiloli Dance Ceremony: Jessica Bastidas'
08:09 Mar 14, 2023
'While in Africa, I witnessed the Tchiloli dance ceremony. We painted and drew from the live performers. Tchiloli is the creole name for the Tragédia do Marquês de Mântua e do Imperador Carlos Magno (The Tragedy of the Marquis of Mântua and the Emperor Charlemagne). It was written in the 16th century by Baltazar Dias, a blind poet from Madeira. It was also printed in the Romanceiro (XXXVII) of Almeida Garrett, and was a work of medieval inspiration recreated by the people of São Tomé. Tchiloli focuses on the concept of royal justice. It brings punishment to D. Carlote for the death of Valdevinos. He is condemned to death and executed at the order of his own father, the Emperor Charlemagne.' 

Tags: Dance , art , Africa , Music , Tchiloli

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