'Hello mga Ka Lippie, another Native Filipino Delicacy na naman po ang ituturo ko sa inyo ngayon..Ang Palitaw with Bukhayo or Inday Inday as it is commonly known sa mga Ilonggo.Hope you will find this interesting and delicious. #palitaww/bukhayorecipe #indayinday #pinoyrecipe #pangnegosyorecipe #mommynorskie PALITAW WITH BUKAYO/INDAY INDAY RECIPE Ingredients: 400grams glutinous rice flour 1/2 cup water 2 cups brown sugar 3pcs young coconut (shredded) 1/2 cup coconut water pinch of salt sesame seed (optional) If you enjoyed watching our video, please give it a big thumbs up. And don\'t forget to comment, subscribe and hit the notification bell
Tags: #pinoyrecipe , #palitaww/bukhayorecipe , #indayindayrecipe , #ilonggorecipe , #mommynorskie , #mommynorsk , #kakaningpinoyrecipe
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