'oneHOWTO has teamed up with AnimalWised to bring you this amazing DIY tutorial. Today we\'re going to make a Cat food bowl or feeder that has both water and food. It\'s really easy to make with waste material you can easily find at home such as cardboard or old tupperwares. Decorate your cat food bowl as you prefer! On our OneHowTo youtube channel you can find anything you can think of doing, learning,enjoying and advising. On OneHowTo we want to show you how to draw, apply makeup, children\'s games, decoration tips, music, languages, experiments, handcraft, dance and many other things. Subscribe to ONEHOWTO - https://www.youtube.com/user/1HowToCom OneHowTo web - http://www.onehowto.com/ Our Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/onehowtocom Our Twitter - https://twitter.com/oneHowTo On OneHowTo we advise Internet users so they find the best solution to their daily problems. That\'s why we want you to be part of the OneHowTo team and help us help others with tips and recommendations to solve daily problems and doubts. At the same time, you\'ll find what you need to know and, if you don\'t find it, let us know so we can expand our offer of solutions.'
Tags: diy , handcraft , cute , handmade , bowl , cute cats , cardboard , cat feeder , cat bowl , onehowto , animalwised , Waste material crafts , kitten bowl
See also: