'Nighat Jawwad (Food Technologist & CEO, Food Tech Solutions (YUMZ Group) on Coffee with CEO program'

'Nighat Jawwad (Food Technologist & CEO, Food Tech Solutions (YUMZ Group) on Coffee with CEO program'
57:17 Dec 23, 2022
'Coffee with CEO program has now become a living legacy of CEO Club Pakistan & CEO Today Magazine. It is a platform where CEO\'s\', Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Chairmen, Directors are invited for a session to share their inspiring success journey with general public.  Nighat Jawwad (Food Technologist & CEO, Food Tech Solutions (YUMZ Group) was invited in Coffee with CEO program.  #ceoclubpakistan #ijaznisar #managementhouse #ceotodaymagazine #ceotoday #nazeyaqhan #saqibshahzad #shafaqkhalid #coffeewithceo #nighatjawwad #yumz' 
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