'How to make a Sunday Roast Dinner / Christmas dinner Ad'

'How to make a Sunday Roast Dinner / Christmas dinner Ad'
19:17 Dec 20, 2022
'Today is all about the mighty, roast beef dinner with all the trimmings.  This is a paid for Advertorial  Go check out my other video on Mums Eye View \'Quick roast beef dinner\' here http://bit.ly/1thuaA9  Ingredients for 4 people  1 x Roast Beef \'ready on a tray\' 1 x Red Onion 1 x Whole Garlic  1/2 pint of water  Roast Potatoes 5 x Maris Pipers potatoes 1 x Pinch of salt 1 x Sprig Rosemary 1 x Table spoon of Goose fat  Mixed Veg 10 x Sprouts 8 x Carrots 4 Fluid Oz Orange Juice  1/2 Red Cabbage 1 x Glass of mulled wine 2 x Sugar Cubes  Cauliflower & broccoli cheese 1 x Small Cauliflower 1 x Small Broccoli 1 x Pack Mixed Cheese 1 x Table spoon of corn flour Pinch of Salt & Pepper   1 x Beef gravy Stock 1 x Table Spoon of corn flour Yorkshire Puddings. 1 x Jar Goose Fat 4 x Oz Plain White Flour 3 x Fld Oz Milk 2 x Eggs 1 x Pinch Spoon Sea Salt 1 x Pinch Spoon Pepper   Stuffing mIx Handfull Bread Crumbs Pre packaged stuffing pack 1 x Sprig Sage 1 x table spooon dried sage  Pigs in blankets 1 x Pack Smoked Bacon 1 x Pack Chipolatas  1 x Bunch of Basil   Thanks to Asda for supporting me with this video' 

Tags: kitchen , Recipe , Food , How to cook , clean eating , gluten free , beef , cooking at home , gravy , Christmas (Holiday) , Cook (Profession) , sprouts , Roasting (Culinary Technique) , christmas dinner , hastes kitchen , Cooking (Interest) , roast beef , Cauliflower (Food) , roast potatoes , yorkshire pudding , Sunday Roast (Dish) , Sunday (Day Of Week) , Broccoli (Food) , cauliflower cheese , Pigs In Blankets (Food) , goose fat

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