'EATING ONLY ONE COLOR FOOD FOR 24 HOURS! EATING ONLY YELLOW FOOD CHALLENGE WITH PRINCESS SQUAD! Who will eat the most yellow foods and be the winner? Always remember to dream big, have fun, and be kind! Follow us on our other social media for more amazing content: Instagram: PrincessSquad.Official TikTok: PrincessSquad.Official Facebook: PrincessSquad.Official'
Tags: how to , diy , do it yourself , 24 hour challenge , food challenge , yellow , 24 hours , 24 hours challenge , One Color Food Challenge , yellow food , princess t , princess squad , yellow food for 24 hours , i only ate yellow food for 24 hours , One color food for 24 hours , i only ate yellow food , i only ate yellow food for 24 hours challenge , only eating yellow food for 24 hours , only ate yellow food for a day , only ate yellow food for 24 hours , only eating one color for 24 hours
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