'Delicious Miniature Roasted Turkey Recipe For Christmas | ASMR Cooking Mini Food Hi everyone, Today I\'m going to make an easy Roasted Turkey recipe. Hope you enjoy this video. What do you want to watch in the next episode ? Link Video: https://youtu.be/smGMwQGSELw 00:00 Roasted Turkey 03:32 Salmon Canapes *Ingredients: - Turkey - Salt - Pepper - Onion - Garlic - Parsley - Lemon juice - Lemon zest - Butter - olive oil
Tags: delicious , Chicken , asmr , miniature food , mini food , christmas , ACMP , ASMR Cooking , turkey , miniature cooking , tiny food , tiny cooking , Mini Cooking , christmas dinner , Christmas Recipes , mini kitchen , turkey recipe , mini real food , асмр , How to cook Turkey , mini comida , christmas turkey , #miniaturecooking , comida miniatura , roasted turkey , miniature cooking official , Delicious Miniature Roasted Turkey Recipe , miniature roasted turkey
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