'The iconic Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles is known for its A-list guests including Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Alba, and Reese Witherspoon and for its stunning swan lake that inspired its iced swan cookies. The hotel always sends its guests home with one, but we have the recipe so you can enjoy a bit of romantic Hollywood at home. We\'re thinking it\'s just the project to take on this Valentine\'s Day weekend with loved ones. Subscribe to POPSUGAR Food! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?src_vid=wNSZWHtiGek&add_user=popsugartvyum Visit our website for more easy recipes and cooking tips! http://www.yumsugar.com Are we friends yet? Join us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/POPSUGARFood Get the latest updates via Twitter! https://twitter.com/#!/POPSUGARFood'
Tags: easy recipes , Food , Recipes , dessert recipes , cooking basics , get the dish , food tutorials , food how to , POPSUGAR Food , YumSugarTV , Bel-Air Hotel (Hotel) , swan cookies
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