'Hey Guys Welcome back to K for Kuku. I ONLY ATE YELLOW FOOD FOR 24 HRS | FOOD CHALLENGE | 24 HRS Edited by : Me Goal : 1k If you Like this Video then Hit the Like Button and Do Share this Video to your Friends and Family and Don\'t Forget to Subscribe to My Channel.Thank You for watching. New video Every Week.. Please follow me on INSTAGRAM as well -: https://www.instagram.com/kforkuku/ #Yellowfood #foodchallenge #24hrs #challenge #food Music provided by :http://spoti.fi/NCS BYE. KEEP SMILING AND GROWING:)'
Tags: food challenge india , food eating competition , food challenges , indian food challenges , yellow food for 24 hours , only eating yellow food , yellow food challenge , eating single coloured food , फूड चैलेंज वीडियो , i ate yellow food for 24 hours , i ate yellow food , i ate only yellow food for a day , only yellow food for 24 hours , yellow food for 24 hours in hindi , i only ate yellow food for 24 hours india , eating solid color food for 24 hours , kforkuku , k for kuku
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