'Authentic Turkish street food of all time \"Halka Tatlısı\". It is a very old and popular street food dessert in Turkey and Istanbul. Halka tatlısı or fried ring dessert is made mostly from semolina which makes it very crunchy outside and soft and juicy inside. It can be widely found in the street but from now on you can enjoy it at home too. This dessert comes plentifully with a small amount and simple ingredients and fun to make. So perfect for crowds and to share with neighbors. Ingredients for Halka Tatlısı (Turkish Ring Dessert) 1+1/2 cups fine semolina 1/3 cup flour 1/4 tsp dry yeast 1+1/2 cup or little extra lukewarm water (little extra from lukewarm) for the syrup: 1+1/2 cups sugar 1+1/2 cups water 1/4 lemon To shape star shaped nozzle piping bag vegetable oil to fry Watch Baked Shambali Dessert Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN-mZ355mho&t=45s How to make Cigkofte, Street Fodd Recipes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isohRsOHfJg For more Turkish Cuisine recipes don\'t forget to subscribe and press the notification button: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwVIj-OqEjXNqKpItChRrMQ?sub_confirmation=1 Follow me from on social media and website INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/turkishfoodrecipes_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Turkish-Food-Recipes-By-Aysenur-Altan-2260285014289866/'
Tags: turkish food , turkish cuisine , world cuisine , street food , turkish recipes , turkish recipes in english , turkish kitchen , Churros , istanbul street food , istanbul food , turkish street food , traditional turkish food , turkish dessert , turkish desserts , Turkish foods , aysenur altan , fried desserts , turkish food travel , turkish food recipes , turkish food street , halka tatlısı , turkish fried dough , turkish churros , turkish sweet churros , sweet churros
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