'food science and technology,Food Science,Technology,Food Technologist,Food Authority,Foodies,FoodTech,Technolody,Science,Tech,Hina,Tech Channel Hello there, I am Food Technologist Hina Parvaiz! I am going make animated teaching videos all about Food Science and Technology including all further courses. This effort is specially for all those learner who want to learn quick hand knowledge. Keep Supporting us on this Platform! Welcome to Food Tech with Hina Pervaiz. Today we are going to discuss about Food Science and Technology. Food science and technology is the understanding and application of science to satisfy the needs of society for sustainable food quality, safety and security.'
Tags: science , technology , Tech , Hina , foodies , food science , food science and technology , tech channel , foodtech , food technologist , food technology engineering , Food Authority , Technolody , food technologist future , FoodtechwithHina , Food Science Technology
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