'What\'s the life of an oyster farmer like? Adam James from Hama Hama Oyster Company describes the schedule in this bonus scene from \"Bread for Success.\" Subscribe for more from Food Factory USA and other great FYI shows: http://mylt.tv/SubscribetoFYI Find out more about the show on our site: http://www.fyi.tv/shows/food-factory-usa?cmpid=Social_YouTube_FoodFactoryUSA Watch full episodes here: http://www.fyi.tv/shows/food-factory-usa/videos?cmpid=Social_YouTube_FoodFacUSAVid Check out exclusive FYI content: Website - http://www.fyi.tv/?cmpid=Social_YouTube_FYIHome Tumblr - http://fyi.tumblr.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/FYI Twitter - https://twitter.com/FYI Instagram - https://instagram.com/FYI Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+FyiTv/posts/ Food Factory USA Season 2 Episode 1 Bread For Success \"Food Factory USA\" takes a mesmerizing peek behind the scenes of the weird and wonderful processes that produce everyone\'s favorite foods. For your inspiration, for your imagination, and for your innovation, FYI embraces an adventurous, personalized and non-prescriptive approach to peoples\' taste, space, look, story and more. FYI covers a range of stories and experiences that reflect how people actually live their lives today, not defined by just one passion or interest. Visit us at FYI.tv for more info.'
Tags: Food , Show , Series , clips , Episodes , American food , food factory , food production , oysters , FYI , food show , food episodes , FYI shows , FYI tv , FYI channel , FYI television , FYI network , how is it made , food factory usa , food factory show , food factory usa full episodes , food factory usa clips , oyster farming , oyster farmer , adam james , hama hama oyster company
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