'Hot tubs aren\'t just for relaxing — they\'re for cooking, too! Never again do you have to go between soaking in the hot tub and firing up the grill; you can just prep your food beforehand and let it marinate while you relax. How does it work? Hot tubs aren\'t just the perfect temperature for play time, they\'re also perfect for melting cheese and chocolate, heating up frozen meals, and infusing flavor into your favorite cocktails. Who knew? Check out Chef Nguyen Tran\'s cookbook Starry Kitchen here: https://www.harpercollins.com/9780062438546/adventures-in-starry-kitchen Follow Starry Kitchen on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/starrykitchen/?hl=en POPSUGAR Food shares delicious recipes, tutorials, kitchen tips and tricks, and everything else you need to start cooking ... and eating! Hosted by Brandi Milloy, POPSUGAR Food shares easy-to-follow recipes, demos, and time-saving kitchen hacks on our show Get the Dish, and recreate the latest food crazes and invent new ones on Eat the Trend. Get the scoop on how to make everything from Cronuts to ramen burgers to vanilla cupcakes and beyond! Subscribe to POPSUGAR Food! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?src_vid=wNSZWHtiGek&add_user=popsugartvyum Check out the rest of our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/popsugartvyum For more Brandi, follow her here: Instagram: https://instagram.com/brandimilloy Twitter: https://twitter.com/brandimilloy Faceboook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBrandiMilloy YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BrandiMilloy'
Tags: kitchen , easy recipes , eating , Food , dessert recipes , Pop Sugar , brandi milloy , get the dish , food tutorials , POPSUGAR Food , eat the trend , just add sugar , pop sugar food
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