Aug 4, 2022
'Did you watch the Christmas cooking video of the Miniature Cooking Library? Whether you have already watched it or haven\'t seen it yet, you can watch it all together in this video! This video is a summary of 2 Christmas Cooking Ideas we published earlier. And the smallest dish in the history of Miniature Cooking Library videos! I burned the mini-sized cookies many times when baking them, and completed the mini food with tweezers while struggling. It was hard to make a mini food, but I am satisfied with the finished mini food because it was so cute! If you like mini foods and cute things, you will surely enjoy it. Please let us know what you think in the comments! _________________________________________________ Thank you for watching Miniature Cooking library. We use mini kitchen and making mini food. Here you can find how to make real Mini Food, amazing cooking tutorials, a lot of mini food cooking idea and more. We hope you can enjoying and relaxing this video! We are going to post a Mini Food cooking video on Youtube. So please check it out and don\'t forget to like this video and subscribe! Thank you! __________________________________________________ Twitter : https://twitter.com/MiniFoodLibrary Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miniature_cooking_library/ #Miniaturecooking#Minifood#Minicooking#Miniaturefood#Christmascake#Christmascakerecipe'
Tags: miniature food , mini food , christmas , miniature cooking , christmas food , Mini Cooking
See also: