'Watch this video for the best looking kinds of backdrops. Canvas and concrete You will find answers to several of your questions here: http://thepublishedimage.com/blog/2018/1/4/fancier-diy-backdrops Dan Winters: https://www.danwintersphoto.com/ Cladia Gödke: https://claudiagoedke.wordpress.com/ Sean Archer: https://seanarcher.500px.com/ Camera Gear Big Camera: geni.us/main-camera Big Lens: geni.us/main-lens Macro Lens: http://geni.us/macro-lens Small Camera: http://geni.us/small-camera Small Lens: http://geni.us/10-18mm Lights: http://geni.us/vYUet Super Cheap Mic: http://geni.us/53Y1a Bendy Tripod: http://geni.us/gorilla-pod (TIP: dont buy the ball head, just get a flat mounting plate http://geni.us/rlbBP) Notebook: http://bit.ly/2yhBVN5 FOLLOW ME: Instagram: www.instagram.com/_when_will_i_learn_ Website: www.thepublishedimage.com/ Amazon Links are affiliate links, they dont cost you any more but they help me out. Music is by me this time, let me know if you think it\'s sh*t.'
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