'SPIRITUALITY AND BINGE FOOD ADDICTION IS A SPIRITUAL answer to binge food addiction and weight loss 12 steps Overeaters Anonymous Spirituality and food addiction 12 steps to recovery Overeaters Anonymous speaker meeting 0A the way to weight loss is a spiritual diet. spiritual weight loss and diet. a speaker meeting. of recovery based on Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is 2nd video of 2 parts of compulsive overeating TO SEE LIST OF ALL RECORDINGS GO CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg7IlHGeDVM_Nflgsh90Qjw ALSO LIVE ZOOM MEETINGS EVERY SUNDAY AND TUESDAY 7 am EASTERN Or use link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7507635506 IN ZOOM APP. MEETING # IS 7507635506 no password needed. BY PHONE DIAL 1-646-558-8656 than 7507635506 than password 185154 ALSO GO TO BOBROTHMAN.COM FOR A FULL LIST'
Tags: spiritual weight loss , spiritual diet , spiritual weight loss journey , spiritual weight , spiritual awakening weight loss , 12 steps to recovery , twelve-step program , oa big book study , bob rothman
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