'Making Homemade Cat Food For Street Kitten'

'Making Homemade Cat Food For Street Kitten'
03:59 Mar 18, 2022
'Our day, was been greeted by these 4 youngsters in our backyard. Their mom was nowhere to be seen I gues she went food hunting for her babies. While they were playing, I decide to cook some homemade kitten food for them since they look like they have an empty stomatch.   These kitten were very friendly towards us. They did\'nt even hesitate coming towards us at the first time. They even nibble our fiingers with their tiny little teeth. It was quite bizzare seeing 4 kittens came at our backyard everyday. Witout hesitation, we went outside and play with them.  They were very energetic and they play roughly with each other. Because of that a lot of our plants died being crushed by them. But how can we get angry over them. They are so cute!!  We were very sad that now there stop coming to our backyard. Their mother came to our backyard 3 times this week to find her kitten. I think someone took them away from their mom. poor mom: \'( We will miss these kittens  #kitten #streetkitten #cat #streetcat' 
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