'You’re planning a trip to Disney World, thinking about riding Space Mountain and seeing your kid meet Mickey for the first time; you’re checking out hotels, and...man, these Disney World hotels are expensive. You think, “maybe I can find a better deal at a hotel nearby”...and you might be right. [Subscribe for more Disney Food Videos!] http://bit.ly/1rqUGbh [Join our Newsletter] http://disneyfoodblog.com/the-disney-food-blog-newsletter Want to support the channel? Check out our line of Disney Dining Travel Guides at http://DFBStore.com. Purchase our DFB Disney themed t-shirts and more at https://teespring.com/stores/dfb-guide Get tips, tricks, reviews, and budget advice at http://DisneyFoodBlog.com [Social Links] http://Twitter.com/disneyfoodblog http://Facebook.com/disneyfoodblog http://Instagram.com/disneyfoodblog'
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