'propaganda blames USA for Wuhan flu & only china wet market IMPORT frozen fish stalls have \"virus\"19'

14:01 Dec 7, 2021
'no case in 200 days Taiwan had same imports BUT propaganda panda China keeps finding IMPORT food COVID corona virus 19 positive , maybe its THEM!  when a outbreak traced to a wet market they blame the frozen fish stall ?!! all to blame a US import for the original outbreak in Wuhan\'s fish market   The extremely sensitive tests being used can detect both active infectious  viruses or non-infectious remnants on packaging , without being able to distinguish between them,  https://fortune.com/2020/11/21/china-covid-19-cases-import-frozen-food/ https://www.kff.org/news-summary/who-led-team-investigating-coronavirus-origins-to-arrive-in-china-in-january-china-blames-frozen-foods-for-new-cases-contradicting-international-guidance/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/who-caught-between-china-and-west-on-frozen-food-coronavirus-transmission-11611324088  https://apnews.com/article/pandemics-beijing-global-trade-coronavirus-pandemic-china-28671d69256d84001a471876a6bc4077   COPPA children\'s on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus  lacks the ABILITY  to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE\'S personal information   & has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED BY COPPA     my work is transformative in nature as a criticism so some usage of the original is   required  but uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative   affect  on the market for the original work its self & my work is  protected speech as   outlined by the 1st amendment to the united states constitution & falls under fair use   as outlined in united states copyright laws  http://bitchute.com/channel/waptek/ http://bitchute.com/channel/waptek2/ http://bitchute.com/channel/waptek0/ http://bitchute.com/channel/waptek1/  http://youtube.com/waptek1 http://youtube.com/waptek2 http://youtube.com/waptek0 http://youtube.com/channel/UC6svPRqDNU8L7q2qUxV60rg' 
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