'Oats Smoothie for weight loss (No Milk, No Curd, No Sugar) | Oats Breakfast Smoothie | Aarum | Oatmeal Smoothie for Weight Loss | Oats Smoothie Recipe | Oats Smoothie for weight loss| Oatmeal recipes Hello friends, Try these Super Healthy Oats Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss. It has No Milk and No Curd. You can add Honey or Chocolate Sauce to enhance the taste of these Smoothie recipe. You can also add more fruits as per your choice. I have shared 4 oatmeal smoothie recipes in this video:- Oats Peanut smoothie Oats Apple Smoothie Oats chocolate Smoothie Oats Strawberry Smoothie These are homemade smoothies in which we exactly know what we are using. I mean no Dairy, no fat, no sugar. What else one want :-) :-). You can replace the ingredients and make your own version of smoothie. For replacing the ingredients see below list:- Water - Milk/Curd/Almond Milk/Coconut Water Nuts - Almond/Peanuts/Pistachio/Walnut/Cashew Seeds - Flax Seeds/Chia/Pumpkin/Sunflower seeds. Fruits - Apple/mango/Banana/Strawberry/Kiwi/Papaya You can use any of these combinations. Nuts and seeds gives us required protein and Omega 3 fatty acids which are good for growing kids. Fruits give us minerals. Its complete energy meal. Please leave your COMMENTS below my video and press the LIKE BUTTON if you like my video and please SHARE it with your friends and family. Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel at below link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe3rpDpz_RDUyCsyhJ7XIkA?Sub_Confirmation=1 You can also FOLLOW me on FACEBOOK See my INSTAGRAM account for more updates Things that I use and recommend: Nutri Blend Grinder wonderchef: https://amzn.to/2NEF2d6 Kaff Oven : https://amzn.to/3r6zczE Prestige Dosa Pan: https://amzn.to/3b1hlob Tripod : https://amzn.to/2ZWbYQP Octova Pro Lighting Kit: https://amzn.to/3aZUusN See our other CREATIVE RECIPES on below link:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC8Q2d4KgroXCLKB4iuGCA2wCWX52ZAeQ See 5 minutes healthy SNACKS AND BREAKFAST RECIPES on below link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC8Q2d4KgroVqBbqFUcHV4IvOyxrhlqU4 See healthy SOUP RECIPES for increased immunity and weight loss on below link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC8Q2d4KgroUjT7qydUDDffH_pEH8LE4y See Healthy SALAD RECIPES for weight loss on below link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC8Q2d4KgroXrXNiJ6u7sWz7arKc8WGKg oats smoothie, oatmeal smoothie, oats banana smoothie, oats smoothie for weight loss, oats shake, protein shake with oats, oats smoothie recipe, oats smoothie recipe for weight loss, banana and oat smoothie, apple oats smoothie, strawberry oat smoothie, peanut butter oat smoothie, apple oats smoothie for weight loss, oats smoothie calories, oats apple smoothie, oats shake for weight loss, oats chocolate smoothie, oat milk smoothie, banana oatmeal smoothie, breakfast smoothies with oats, oatmeal smoothie recipe, strawberry oatmeal smoothie, oatmeal smoothie recipes breakfast, peanut butter oatmeal smoothie, raw oats in smoothie, blueberry oatmeal smoothie, rolled oats smoothie, blueberry oat smoothie, best oats for smoothies, oatmeal protein smoothie, oat milk smoothie recipes, strawberry banana oatmeal smoothie, overnight smoothie, oatmeal breakfast smoothie, banana oat milk smoothie, adding oats to smoothies, overnight oats smoothie, smoothie with oat milk, protein shake with oats for breakfast, peanut butter banana oatmeal smoothie, oat milkshake, quaker oats smoothie, steel cut oats in smoothie, banana oatmeal smoothie weight loss, porridge smoothie, oatmeal cookie smoothie, mango oats smoothie, protein shake with oats and peanut butter, oat milk protein shake, spiced oatmeal smoothie, banana oat milk, strawberry oat milk smoothie, oat and banana smoothie, oatmeal smoothie for weight loss, mango oatmeal smoothie, apple oatmeal smoothie, putting oats in smoothie, banana oats smoothie calories, oat milk smoothies, oat milk in smoothies, oatmeal fruit smoothie, peanut butter oatmeal smoothie no banana, banana oatmeal smoothie with almond milk, strawberry banana oat smoothie, oat milk banana smoothie, healthy oatmeal smoothie oats banana smoothie calories, instant oatmeal smoothie, oats banana smoothie for weight loss, banana oats smoothie for weight loss, oats smoothie for weight loss indian, chocolate oat smoothie, coffee oatmeal smoothie, peanut butter oatmeal smoothie weight loss, overnight oats shake, banana oat peanut butter smoothie, banana oatmeal smoothie for weight gain, #OatsSmoothie #OatsBreakfastSmoothie #OatsCholocateSmoothie #OatsSmoothie #OatmealSmoothie #food #AarumKitchen #Cookingvideos #TopIndiancookingchannel #IndianFood #5minuterecipes #HealthyFood #WeighlossRecipes #IndianFestiveFood #FamousIndianFood #Aarum\'sKitchen #cookwithme #stayathome #lockdown2020 #StaySafe #homecook #Aarumskitchen #Cookingvideos #TopIndiancookingchannel #IndianFood #5minuterecipes #HealthyFood #WeighLossRecipes #IndianFestiveFood #FamousIndianFoods #AarumsKitchenQuickBites'
Tags: smoothie , vegan smoothie , oats smoothie , oatmeal smoothie , oats breakfast smoothie , Aarum kitchen , weightloss smoothie , oats smoothie recipe , oats banana smoothie , oats apple smoothie , oats smoothies for weightloss , oats smoothies , oats smoothie for weigthloss , aarumskithcen , oats chocolate smoothie , oats strawberry smoothie , oats vegan smoothie , high protein smoothie recipe
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