'#Vlog #WeeklyVlog #SammyLouiseVlogs Joe & Seph\'s Caramel Sauces - http://bit.ly/2Vyib4o Use Code: eats-sammyr1478ue To get £15 off your first Uber Eats order - https://www.ubereats.com/en-GB/ Pancake Batter Recipe: 4 Large Eggs 200g Plain Flour 600ml Milk 1tbsp Vegetable Oil Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE it would mean the absolute world to me... Please follow me on social media... Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/itssammylou/ Twitter - https://mobile.twitter.com/itssammylou Ron\'s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ronsguitarpick/ Ron\'s YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-joeDSpJ-7Ulz3xLCj7Klw?app=desktop Email Enquiries - [email protected] Disclaimer - This video is not sponsored.'
Tags: vlog , tik toks , weekly vlog , pancake recipe , making tik toks , how to make perfect pancakes , sammy louise vlogs , sammy louise family , sammy louise , sammy louise vlog , weekly vlog 4 , sammy louise weekly vlog 4
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