'HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY! We are hosting a fun filled St. Patricks day party and celebrating four of oir friends birthday\'s too! Should be fun, so let\'s make this party happen! Thanks for watching and have a great day! RECIPES: Corned beef dinner - https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/corned-beef-dinner/ *I add the cabbage in the last half hour so it doesn\'t get too soggy Cupcake icing base- https://youtu.be/Juad74hE6rs WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL?
Tags: mom , family vlog , birthday , cleaning motivation , Power Hour , Cleaning Routine , How to clean fast , new recipes , sahm , mom life , mom vlog , how to clean , speed cleaning , cleaning my house , speed cleaning routine , speed cleaning videos , speed clean , cleaning music , Watch me clean , party decor , cleaning videos , how to clean room , how to clean home , irish recipes , party prep , how to clean house , تنظيف البيت , st patricks , st patricks party , cleaning mom , st patricks recipes
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