'Eat traditional Bavarian, German Food in Munich, Germany! Try 5 dishes from roasted pork knuckle to WHITE sausage to giant pretzels. Here\'s what to eat in Munich! Watch the Oktoberfest vlog: https://youtu.be/-To555NPhcU Join the #Familee https://goo.gl/zU9DdZ Check out Elias\' Channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/FictionSource Eat savoury Bavarian food in Munich, Germany! After eating these hearty dishes...we\'ve concluded that Bavarian food DON\'T MESS AROUND! Tons of flavour and in HUGE portions. 5 Foods to Eat in Munich are: -Schweinshaxe, roasted pork knuckle with crispy skin. It comes with Kartoffelknodel, potato dumplings that are quite fun to eat! -Weisswurst, traditional bavarian sausage made from veal and pork. Tastes AMAZING...but looks quite interesting ;) -Sauerkraut are fermented cabbage with a distinct sour flavour. -Of course, can\'t leave Munich or Germany without grabbing a pretzel. But don\'t just get the small one - take a bite of the giant pretzel! Also don\'t miss out on bratwurst or the leberkase as Elias recommended! To get a taste of Bavarian celebration, watch the Oktoberfest vlog: https://youtu.be/-To555NPhcU Like this video? Please help give it a thumbs up, comment, and share with a friend! Your extra love helps keep this channel going. I appreciate you, thank you dearly. About CupofTJ: Hi! I\'m TJ, travel vlogger and digital nomad. I create travel videos sharing cultures, destinations, and delicious street food around the world. This channel is meant to inspire adventure and the courage to pursue your daydreams. Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cupoftj/ Find on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theCupofTJ/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To fund my travels and the work on this channel, I pick up freelance projects from social media to photography to video editing. If only 10% of the familee pledge $1 a month, that’d be enough for me to do youtube full-time and create videos for you on a consistent basis! Consider becoming a patron today. Postcards & perks in return → https://www.patreon.com/cupoftj Where I get my royalty free music for Youtube videos→ https://goo.gl/HhLW5e What I Use to Vlog! BEST Compact Camera Equipment → https://youtu.be/CEDXHYGDN8Y My Female Traveler Essentials → https://kit.com/CupofTJ/female-traveler-essentials-for-babes-on-the-go I use Airbnb to stay at cozy homes around the world! Here\'s $40 free credit to get you started → https://www.airbnb.com/c/tlee1980 Help transcribe your favorite videos in your native language → https://goo.gl/cxAXmJ'
Tags: vlog , Travel , vlogs , travel vlog , Food Vlog , eating show , cupoftj , germany travel vlog , what to eat in germany , german food taste test , german food , bavaria germany , german food video , german foods to try , munich food tour , munich travel vlog , traditional bavarian food , what to eat in munich , bavarian food , bavarian foods to try , german food tour , german food reviews , traditional german food , try german food , best german foods , people try german food , munich bavarian
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