'Opened on 1/6/2019. English, North American version. Released in 2000. This is the complete set of seven toys and their accompanied Score CCG \'BK 1-7\' two star cards from the Burger King Kids Meal. The cards varied in condition from good to heavily damaged. They all felt a little slimey for some reason, despite being perfectly sealed. Each bag included a figure, a figure stand, an insert, video mail-in card and the trading card (and sometimes a piece of cardboard that stiffened the card, but not all had that).'
Tags: game , Unboxing , promo , Dragon , Dragon Ball Z , 2000 , ball , Opening , kids meal , score , happy meal , card , burger king , dbz , happy meal toy , collectible , CCG , trading card , Burger King Toy , Kids Meal Toy
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