'Store and Blog: https://www.openendedtoys.com Hi guys. I really love diy learning activities that are fun. Food coloring activities for kids are a perfect thing to introduce to your children. Most kids really enjoy them as well. Food coloring is not expensive and you can probably find it at discount stores. I bought my food coloring on Amazon.com. There are so many diy learning activities that involve food coloring online, just a quick google search and you will find a lot. This fun acitivity helps your child learn colors and it\'s a perfect sensory activity. It\'s all about just having fun with your kids and letting them explore new things. I love watching my daughter enjoy herself and learn through play. Food coloring activities can usually entertain toddlers and kids for quite some time. Many diy learning activities, just like this one, doesn\'t always require a backyard because you can always use a bathtub. Don\'t let not having a backyard prevent you from having fun and just enjoying water activities with your kids. This is a perfect activities for toddlers at home and even older kids. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe. For more Painting For Kids videos: Painting For Kids - Activities for Toddlers At Home https://youtu.be/RBjWoLLHDds Activities For Toddlers At Home - Fun Painting Activities For Kids - Painting For Kids https://youtu.be/NRUfWVihD4U Follow Me At: Instagram: NaturalAmericanBaby Twitter: NatAmericanBaby'
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