'My breakfast of champions. Over easy egg, tomato, Avocado on toast with just a drizzle of hot sauce. SO good. Love you all! SUBSCRIBE, like and share, and HIT THAT NOTIFICATION BELL. Please check out my Patreon and consider becoming an in the kitchen with Sandy Supporter. http://patreon.com/Inthekitchenwithsandy Fan Mail In The Kitchen With Sandy PO box 34 New Lebanon Ohio 45345 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/inthekitchenwithsandy/ PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Sandyinthekitchen Twitter https://twitter.com/Sandyinthekitch Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/InthekitchenwithSandy/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/inthekitchenwithsandy'
Tags: how to , tutorial , Recipe , tasty , healthy , meal planning , How to cook , How to make , egg sandwich , Chicken , video , YouTube , subscribe , subscribers , vlogger , quick Breakfast , breakfast idea , meal prep , cook with me , Pasta , food porn , cooking channel , beef , pork , avocado , Toast , Eat with me , breakfast sandwich , avocado recipe , In The Kitchen , Sandy , how to cut an avocado , seasoned , avocado egg sandwich , avocado egg and tomatosandwich , how to eat avocados , hot sace
See also: