'Welcome foodies to my channel. This is bengali eating show with Sound and also i share recipes with you so that you can make those dishes by your own.Please subscribe and like my video and stay tuned for more upcoming contents. Enjoy! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOdPU9EnXMZUYAvrp5ZB-6A/join T H A N K Y O U #indianfood #bengalilunchthali #mjfd ●○ ■ Insta Link : https://www.instagram.com/mahuajoardar07 ■Facebook Link : https://m.facebook.com/mahua.joardar.33 ■Facebook Page link : https://lm.facebook.com/mahuajoardarfoodhouse ◇Used gadgets : ☆Tripod: Webstar Aluminium Mobile camera tripod from Flipkart.com ☆Phone: vivo s1 pro from Flipkart.com © Mahua Joardar Food House'
Tags: Food , India , eating sounds , Indian food , eating show , kolkata food , south indian food , spicy food eating , eating show with sound , Mahua Joardar Food House , Bengali eating show , asmr food eating , mukbang food , mjfd , eat eat , Bengali lunch thali , foddie , ASMR food lover , egg curry eating , bangladeshi eating food
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