'Eating anything when weak with the flu is important to keep up your energy, but making sure that food is rich in nutrients, lean protein and fluids will help your immune system. Consume anything tolerable when sick, like chicken noodle soup, with information from a licensed and registered dietitian in this free video on nutrition. Expert: Charlotte Lawson Bio: Charlotte Lawson, a licensed and registered dietitian and nutritionist, works with the Florida Department of Health\'s nutrition division as a senior public health nutritionist. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz Series Description: Maintaining good nutrition involves taking into consideration any diseases or conditions that could require special diets. Eat healthily for your body with information from a licensed and registered dietitian in this free video series on nutrition.'
Tags: Weight loss , vegetables , protein , fruits , diet , nutrition , Diabetes , healthy eating , blood pressure , Blood Sugar , carbohydrates , healthy diets , low fat , organic food , low sodium , lean protein , migraines , pancreatitis
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