'3 Best Protein Foods for vegetarian Tamil for Muscle building'

'3 Best Protein Foods for vegetarian Tamil for Muscle building'
04:40 Jul 14, 2021
'3 Best protein foods for vegetarian Tamil - In this video we are going to look into the best 3 vegetarian protein foods in Tamil  Side effects of whey protein  https://youtu.be/JRShEJ5fiUk  Non vegetarian have various options for protein foods. But vegetarian only have limited options. This video will tell you about the best 3 vegetarian protein foods in Tamil for muscle building.  First food source is LEGUMES  For 100g of legumes we get 9g of proteins, 27g of carbs and 2 to 3g of fats Hence legumes is a great choice for someone who is lean to build muscles. Not only for muscle gain, legumes is  useful for fat lose. As legumes have high fiber content. It prevents insulin spike, which in turn leads to less fat storage  Second food source for vegetarian is SOYA FAMILY Soya chunks is the best protein source in soya family as 100g of soya chunks has 52g of protein, 33g carbs and 0.5 g fat Since soya chunks mostly has proteins, it is a great protein source for fat loss. But remember to use soya in moderation to prevent estrogen problems  Third protein source for vegetarian is DIARY products. 100ml milk contains 3.4g protein, 100g paneer and curd contains 11g protein. Hence diary is a very good protein source for vegetarians to build muscles.  If u cant reach your daily protein requirement with these foods, try adding a scoop of whey protein to your diet.  ►Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/f.e.a.rfitness ►Like Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FEARFITNESSS' 
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