'Hey guys, today, I am going to show you How to make koi food from your own backyard using ingredients found in your kitche https://www.giobelkoicenter.com/what-do-koi-fish-eat/ List of ingredients of my DIY fish food 1:24 Duckweeds Duckweeds are tiny, free-floating, aquatic green plants commonly found in lentic or slowly moving water bodies. Members of the family Lemnaceae include the world\'s smallest angiosperms and are commonly known as duckweeds. What is duckweed good for? Duckweed can be used to feed fish, poultry and cattle (PRISM, INC) . Duckweed can purify and concentrate nutrients from wastewater (sewage effluent). Duckweed provides food for wildlife, especially waterfowl (Wetlands) 1:30 Bell Peppers Bell Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow or Orange): The bell pepper is also known as pepper, sweet pepper, or capsicum. It contains water (94%), carbohydrates (5%), and a small amount of fat and protein. They are also rich sources of vitamin C. During feeding, it should be cut into small pieces and remove all the seeds and boil it for a minute and place them into your fish tank 2:28 garlic Many commercial fish foods do contain a bit of garlic. It\'s supposed to be irresistible to carnivorous fish like bettas and angels. Garlic also helps fight against internal parasites and acts as a tonic for ill fish. It\'s best to, instead of feeding the fish pure garlic, soak their dry foods in garlic juice. #koifood'
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