'We know that acid dyes, like food coloring, are supposed to dye silk nicely. Let\'s see if we can dye a 100% silk scarf with Wilton\'s Violet food coloring and whether the colors will break like we see on wool. Video contents: [0:00] Introduction and weighing the scarf [0:48] Presoaking the 4 g silk scarf in plain tap water overnight [0:54] Setting up the dyebath (8 cups of water and a bit of Wilton\'s Violet icing color.) Once the dye was added, I included the acid. 2T of white vinegar [2:44] Dip dyeing the scarf [9:05] Adding more vinegar + 2 more Tablespoons (for a total of 4) [13:04] After 10 more min, removing the pot fromthe heat but let the scarf cool in the dyebath [13:52] Checking in on the cooling scarf [14:21] Removing the scarf from the cooled pot [14:52] Washing the Scarf [15:34] The finished dry scarf Watch more videos on breaking violet food coloring: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFvm3Bz7dhaWXYbOrxqiqkD6tqwAMR9Oz Habotai 8 mm silk scarf 6\" x 24\" from Dharma Trading Co. https://www.dharmatrading.com/scarves/silk/habotai-scarves-8mm.html For free knitting patterns and dyeing tutorials visit http://www.chemknits.com'
Tags: how to , tutorial , diy , silk , food coloring , wilton , chemknits , dharma , indie dyer , dye silk , silk scarves , 100% silk , dye 100% silk , dip dye silk scarf , dip dye , breaking violet
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