'Don\'t over pay for feeding rings or feeding stations, make them yourself for a few pennies by taking a thin slice of a wacky noodle for a pool and cutting out the inside. I place these around my aquarium overflows to keep my flake food, and all of my floating plants like duckweed and frogbit away from my overflow screen. Hope this helps! Do you own an aquarium? Would you like to help support this channel? Subscribe to My Aquarium Box to get the world\'s first subscription box for aquarium hobbyists delivered to your door once per month: http://www.myaquariumbox.com'
Tags: diy , do it yourself , diy projects , Turtles , tank , fish , projects , freshwater , aquarium , Tanks , salt water , tropical fish , fish breeding , fish keeping , brackish water , turtle breeding , aquarium background , diy background , gregjonesonline
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