'**影片附設中文和英文字幕 請在設定中開放** **Video with Chinese and English subtitles, please enable in settings** Don\'t forget to sign up before your birthday! 1. Denny\'s https://www.dennys.ca/promotions/free-birthday-breakfast/ 2. Pajo\'s Fish and Chips https://www.pajos.com/about-us/birthday-meal/ 3. Red Robin https://www.redrobin.com/royalty/ 4. IHOP https://www.ihop.com/en/myhop 5. Starbucks https://www.starbucks.ca/rewards 6. Waves Coffee https://app-builder.spoonity.com/storage/microsite/prod/wavescoffee/#/about 7. Blenz Coffee https://friendsofblenz.com/ 8. Chatime https://chatime.com/myrewards/ facebook : https://www.facebook.com/danieltse2020 instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dtse.photography/?hl=en'
Tags: starbucks , birthday freebies , red robin , ihop , dennys , Birthday meal , 加拿大 , 生日餐 , 免費生日餐 , 謝斐 , 溫哥華 , Free Birthday meal , celebrate your birthday , pajos , waves coffee , Blenz coffee , chatime
See also: