'Aqua Dragons / Sea Monkeys - Do you use an alternative food to feed your Sea Monkeys / Aqua Dragons?'

'Aqua Dragons / Sea Monkeys - Do you use an alternative food to feed your Sea Monkeys / Aqua Dragons?'
13:13 Jun 2, 2021
'??  Any of you use alternative(s) food source(s) instead of the ones provided by the companies that distribute Sea Monkeys / Aqua Dragons? If you do, please share it in the comments.   I am trying to see what people likes to use the most as alternative. Thanks.  Because what I described in the previous video I decided to research what brine shrimp breeders for fish feed provide their brine shrimps to share in this video.   The Wiki of Breeding Brine Shrimps page mention most of the alternatives I commonly found in my search:  - Yeast - Pureed Greens - Powdered Eggs - Powdered Milk - Powdered Spirulina.     Powdered Spirulina is the most favored in the articles I read.    I would like a mix of them, but no way I am going to try it on my own.  I did enough experimenting as you can see in my videos, and a few times things went south!   Fortunately I always was able to recover. =^^=  So this time around, I decided to try something from someone else experience, so the details are in the video.  ;)  And if you are interested in the channel I am using to post all my  lessons learned/FAQ about my salt water pets, here is the link:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFhT1N8oizqhOMb590CrmdA/  #food #Aqua_Dragons #Sea_Monkeys #pets #aquarium #brine_shrimp #artemia_salina   #algae #lessons_learned  #yeast #pureed_greens #powdered_eggs #powdered_milk #spirulina  #grow_fry_food' 

Tags: Food , #Food , pets , YEAST , aquarium , #Pets , spirulina , algae , #aquarium , brine_shrimp , #brine_shrimp , artemia_salina , #artemia_salina , Aqua_Dragons , #Aqua_Dragons , Sea_Monkeys , #Sea_Monkeys , #algae , lessons_learned , #lessons_learned , #yeast , pureed_greens , #pureed_greens , powdered_eggs , #powdered_eggs , powdered_milk , #powdered_milk , #spirulina , grow_fry_food , #grow_fry_food

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