'This is a video from me, DarkspinesSonic A.K.A Da1AndOnlySonic, showing a glitch I found for Sonic Unleashed for the PS3/360. All you have to do, is find a person with a short dialogue. Run towards the person, slide when you are close, and then attempt to start the dialogue before your slide attack affects the person. If done correct, you should see the person stagger while the dialogue is up. Quickly go through all the dialogue, and then find the shop. When the person recovers from staggering, provided that you are close enough to them, the dialogue will execute automatically. You are able to move at this time. Before the dialogue ends this time, talk to the person at the shop. Then, without leaving the shop, end the dialogue with the first person you talked to. You should then be able to move as Sonic, see Sonic, talk to other people, use the pause menu, and of course eat food then sell it at the same time. Enjoy!^_^ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/DarkspinesSonic Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DarkspinesSonic'
Tags: Food , Glitch , The , hub , Eat , sell , Sonic , PS3 , unleashed , yt stretch=16 9 , Hedgehog , chun-nan , DarkspinesSonic , Da1AndOnlySonic
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