'These are a few of my favorite, easy pre-workout meal and snack ideas! Before I hit the gym I love to eat simple, wholesome meals centered primarily around carbs and protein. This helps me optimize my performance for strength and bodybuilding-style workouts. Miles’ Video: https://youtu.be/3iAn9Z9FUEM Contact Me: https://www.instagram.com/thesarahsullivan/ [email protected] Follow Miles: https://www.instagram.com/healthycrazycool/ https://www.squareorganics.com/ 20% off a box of Square Protein bars with the code \"thesarahsullivan\" I don\'t make commission off this -- it\'s just to save you a few bucks if you want to try them. ;) Music: “Clouds” by Joakim Karud http://twitter.com/joakimkarud http://facebook.com/joakimkarudmusic “iSpy” by Kyle'
Tags: Recipe , Workout , Weight loss , gym , protein , nutrition , bodybuilding , snack , Easy , meal , build muscle , iifym , simple , ideas , strength training , athlete , vegan , cheap , Before , quick , tofu , session , bulk , macros , dieting , carbohydrate , meals , what to eat , pre-workout , carbs , broccoli , teriyaki , Snacks , cutting , plantbased , peanut butter , plant-based , hclf , what I eat , flexible , preworkout , shredding , what i ate , green beans , in a day , sarah's vegan kitchen , square organics , square bars , sarah sullivan
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