'It was the final leg of the Road Trip along US Highway Number One. Anyone for Oyster Shooters in Santa Cruz? With thanks to everyone that took part in this trip. Cheers guys, so where next?... http://www.youtube.com/kenrg http://www.youtube.com/thefrozenghost http://www.youtube.com/andymooseman http://www.youtube.com/anakin1814 http://www.youtube.com/musof http://www.youtube.com/nbwulf http://www.youtube.com/ohcurt And thanks to Dave from: www.calonpersonaltraining.co.uk With more exercise comes more pie! For more on this Road Trip: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL17A47D631D94CA9E'
Tags: Food , man , vs , versus , road , US , uk , california , trip , ONE , number , highway , 21stcenturycat , kenrg , thefrozenghost
See also: