'There are so many myths surrounding carbs. low carb food or high carb food. Does carbs help you loose weight?can High carb food used for weight loss. In this video, I share benefits of carbs, myths surrounding them, high carb and low carb diet. High carb diet food list.Why carbs are good for you in Hindi. Unhealthy carbs and how to replace i.e. replacement of bad carbs. Carbs are explained in detail and in Hindi. In this video I also share forms of carbs i.e. Simplex vs Complex carbs. Everything is explained in Hindi. If you like my video, subscribe to my channel by clicking the red button and also click that bell icon, Hit that like button and share with your friends and family. Also, do not forget to comment.
Tags: low carb , carbs , high carb , healthy carb , benefits of carbs , carbs help loose weight in Hindi , replacement of bad carb food , unhealthy carb , simple carb , complex carb , high carb food for weight loss in hindi , cars explained in hindi , carbs in fruits and vegetables , what are carbs in hindi , why carbs are good for you in hindi , carbohydrates in hindi , myths of carbs , forms of carbs in hindi , carbs in cakes in hndi , high carb food list in hindi , कार्ब्स खाएं और वजन कम करें
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