'I eat Indian food, Bengali food, Bangali food, in this eating show ASMR video with real eating sounds. I eat SPICY CHICKEN CURRY/GRAVY, RASGULLA/RASAGULLA/ROSOGULLA, RICE, SALAD. Eating was really enjoying. This dish is home cooked prepared by my lovely Mom and myself(salad), and is healthy and at the same time very tasty. I only eat with no talking and the sounds of eating are very tempting pleasing and mouth watering and may produce ASMR response to some. Enjoy the show, and if you liked the content then please subscribe to my channel, and also don\'t forget to give a thumbs up, it matters a lot. I love all types of dishes, but in this video I will be eating Indian food, Bengali food. Eating too much food like a gourmand will make us a fat boy / fat girl, and is not healthy. Therefore we must only eat that much food which our body can process easily. And by the way eating only two times a day is considered very very healthy. Therefore, EAT MODERATE... EAT RIGHT... STAY HEALTHY! Love U All #EatingAsmrSound #ChickenCurry #Rasgulla #NoTalking'
Tags: eating show , real eating sounds , indian food eating asmr , bengali food eating asmr , bangali food eating asmr , spicy chicken curry/gravy eating asmr , rasgulla eating asmr , rasagulla eating asmr , no talking eating
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