Jul 10, 2024
'Is the Indian diet healthy? The staple Indian diet consists of roti, rice, dal, and legumes. One criticism of Indian meals or vegetarian meals is that they lack protein. Indians, on average, eat more carbs, less protein and less fruit and vegetables. They eat more sugar and processed food than the recommended amount. What\'s wrong with the Indian diet While we know what healthy Indian food is, we often go wrong with copying the Western diet as they market as the cheapest available food in fancy stores such as Mcdonalds\', Pizza Hut and KFC. And if not these stores, the others prefer fried Indian snacks such as Chaat, kachori(fried bread) and pakodi(fritters). Fried food is usually accompanied by sugary drinks, a major cause of lifestyle issues like diabetes, hypertension, belly fat, and obesity. The problem with fried food, sweets, and processed snacks is that they are high in calories, contain trans fat, and don\'t reduce the hunger hormone, so you tend to eat many such snacks until you feel full. A sensible suggestion is to include protein in every meal you eat. And eat Indian foods that are not fried, like dal sabji and roti. Make healthy choices. Stay healthy https://www.healthdoses.com/is-the-indian-diet-healthy-and-what-changes-are-needed/'
Tags: weightloss , healthyfoods , indiandiet , nutritiontip
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