'Is Counting Calories Driving You Nuts'

04:03 Jun 5, 2024
'Is Counting Calories Driving You Nuts  This video is a reply to one of the questions on YouTube regarding fitness apps,chocolate fantasy cake  and calorie count.  Question - Are there any apps or websites to track calorie count of Indian food and more important are they accurate if the goal is to maintain/lose body percentage, also question on calorie count for chocolate fantasy cake that you get in barista and cafe coffee day.  Answer - There are a lot of fitness apps and websites to track count of Indian food and i am sure they are pretty accurate (some calories up or down) but overall they are pretty ok i guess, but the bigger question is how do you know how many grams of food are you consuming at one point of time because ultimately you derive the count of food by quantifying it or by finding out what is the composition of that food. For example one white rice idli of 30 grams is equivalent to 39 calories, but what if that same idli is made with one tablespoon of oil then calorie count completely changes because now we have to add 90 calories for tablespoon of oil. So the calorie count of the same idli now becomes 129 calories (39 calories for idli and 90 calories for tablespoon of oil). So the calorie count of the food will keep changing depending on how it is made and how much of it do you consume.  What i am trying to say is that instead of going so much in detail and going nuts over counting calories, you need to focus on bigger picture which is weather the food actually contains a lot of oil or not,weather the food is high in sugar content or not because by avoiding these things you can substantially reduce the calorie count of food and even lose weight and body fat percentage.  Coming down to other question on Chocolate Fantasy Cake - I am sure you can have it once in while , i also consume it from time to time but as far as the calorie count goes i am not very clear on it because some websites claim it is 239 calories for one slice of chocolate fantasy cake which in my opinion is incorrect because they haven\'t quantified it , i mean one slice can be anything it can 100 grams ,200 grams or even 300 grams and the calorie count would change with every gram.  Anyways overall if your goal is to lose weight and body fat then focus on the bigger picture which is reduce the amount of food that leads to accumulation of body fat otherwise counting calories for every food item will only drive you nuts.  For more check out the video -    Raghav Pande is India based Online Fitness Consultant  He is a Certified Fitness Trainer, Sports Nutritionist, Certified Senior Fitness Trainer and the Winner of \"You Tube Next Trainer\"  Click here for Body Transformation Program - http://xcellfitness.co.in/our-services/body-transformation-program/  Click here for Client Weight Loss Testimonials -http://xcellfitness.co.in/weight-loss-testimonials/   For more visit - https://xcellfitness.co.in/' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , healthy , exercise , loss , weight , lose , Health , Food , bodybuilding , body , muscle , muscles , training , calorie , calculate , COUNT , raghav

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