'John travels to Baltimore, Maryland to find out how AmerCareRoyal, a global resource for more than 6,000 disposable products used by the food service industry, makes degradable, easily recyclable packaging. The company’s PrimeWare products are made from sugar cane, corn, and bamboo fiber. This packaging makes food look appealing, keeps it fresh, to avoid waste – and it’s sustainable too! Watch more free content on our website: EARTHwithJohnHolden.com EARTH with John Holden © MMXX StarMedia Productions, Inc.'
Tags: #health , #Manufacturing , #planet , #energy , #wellness , #agriculture , #technology , #environment , #Earth , #recycling , #consumer , #EARTHwithJohnHolden , #JohnHolden , #NaturalResources , #DocuSeries , AmerCare Royal
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