'JDI delivers a truckload of food to Romero House Soup Kitchen for the Holiday Season. During Covid the Saint John, New Brunswick Soup Kitchen has had to serve its meals out a Take-Out window. JDI has been proud to support these Front Line Heroes as they continue to serve the community with less volunteers because of the Covid restrictions. \"My name is Evelyn McNulty, and I\'m the Executive Director of Romero House Soup Kitchen here in Saint John, New Brunswick. And this morning we received our traditional yearly Christmas order from JDI, which included roast beef, and we have received turkeys and ham and all the fixings to have a beautiful Christmas dinner. And JDI has been doing that. I\'ve been here for 25 years and I\'ve never known a year that that hasn\'t happened. That\'s a wonderful thing, very much needed, and very much appreciated. With COVID, we\'ve been serving out the window, and that has presented many new challenges, including the containers to put the meals in, which has very nicely been donated by JDI as well. This Christmas, we will be serving Christmas dinner as usual, but this time out the window. We also are having Christmas gift bags that we were passing out next week. We\'re trying to make things as normal as we possibly can and in a very abnormal situation. So on behalf of the Romero House and the people who work here and volunteer here, the people who have come for help here, the people who come to have companionship here, or like the fact, everybody in the Saint John community for supporting us for 38 years, you\'ve been very faithful to Romero House and the cause that everybody deserves a good hot meal and with dignity and we want everybody know that we very much appreciate your help! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!\"'
Tags: covid , food delivery , soup kitchen , food donation , JDI , saint john new brunswick , JDIHelps , Romero House Soup Kitchen , Support Local Community , evelyn mcnulty , romero house , saint john nb
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