Jan 1, 2024
'The UK government has proposed a ban on unhealthy food and drink marketing online, due to come into effect in 2023. The ban is designed to reduce the amount of marketing young people are exposed to. But does the government\'s ban on unhealthy food advertising online go far enough? We wanted to know more about the sorts of food and drink marketing young people see when they are online and how this marketing influences their choices. We brought together a group of 284 teenagers from across the UK to take part in Marketing Detectives - a crowdsourcing project to collect examples of the food and drink marketing aimed at young people. We wanted to dig deeper into young people’s views, so we spoke to some of the teenagers to find out more… Find out more about the project, and read the full report here: https://www.nesta.org.uk/project/digital-marketing-and-teenage-health/ -- We are Nesta. The UK\'s innovation agency for social good. Our ambitious 10-year strategy aligns our efforts behind three innovation missions working to promote a fairer start, a healthy life, and a sustainable future. -- Follow Nesta on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nesta_uk Like Nesta on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nesta.uk Follow Nesta on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nesta_uk'See also: