'We\'re live at Day 2 of the Barbados Food and Rum Festival in this episode of #gallivanting with Chris and Tehya De La Rosa of CaribbeanPot.com Day 2 starts with breakfast at the Crane Resort, then a lunch of flying fish cutters at Cutters Restaurant, we then attend the media briefing at the Crane resort..then later we head to the Concorde Museum for the \"Taste The Exotic\" signature event. More info on the Barbados Food and Rum Festival @ VisitBarbados.org Follow Tehya on Twitter @tehyadelarosaa Connect with Chris De La Rosa Facebook httpswww.facebook.comRealCaribbeanPot Twitter httpstwitter.comobzokee Instagram caribbeanpot Contact httpcaribbeanpot.comcontact Pinterest httpwww.pinterest.comcaribbeanpotthe-caribbean-pot To learn more about Chris De La Rosa, you can visit httpwww.ChrisDeLaRosa.com'
Tags: Barbados , Crane , Cutters , rum , Concorde , flying fish , chris de la rosa , visit barbados , Gallivanting , tehya de la rosa , food and rum , barbados food and rum festival , concorde museum , concorde museum barbados , barbados food and wine , crane beach , crane resort , crane resort barbados , cutters barbados , flying fish cutters
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