'World Food Day: Why just one day?'

'World Food Day: Why just one day?'
00:49 Nov 12, 2023
'Let’s celebrate food every day!   At Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, we believe it is possible to produce food that is good for you and good for the planet.  We believe you can have locally grown food without pesticides. You can have healthy food while protecting biodiversity. We can have enough food for everyone, without damaging the climate.  But the EU is moving away from its green goals: The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) will lead to more industrial animal farming and agriculture. It encourages farmers to use pesticides that threaten biodiversity and the environment. We need to stop this CAP before it is too late!  Let’s celebrate local food and the planet - help us to #VoteThisCapDown and sign our petition today: https://greens.eu/3lC87Eb' 

Tags: green , Food (TV Genre) , ue , greens , Eu , Organic Farming (Interest) , Organic Food (Industry) , Genetically Modified Organism (Film Subject) , vert , Food Processing (Industry) , ogm , World Food Day (Holiday) , Verts

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