Nov 8, 2023
'EVLA’s Baby Food Maker - Teaching Bubbie - Teaching how to use baby food Maker for puréed recipes. EVLA’s Baby Food Maker - Teaching Bubbie - Took 5 hours of vide clips and merged it into about 20 minutes. Yesterday Caroline and I spent the day teaching our Bubbie how to use her new Baby Food Maker by EVLA’s. We brought this to her, because she has been asking for different processors that she could make her own healthy recipes. Bubbie explained the assisted-living doesn’t always make her meals soft enough, and it sometimes is just too salty. OMG! I am getting one for myself! This is not just for baby food recipes! This is good for people who travel, and want something quick and easy to create healthier recipes. Throw some veggies and herbs in, and “Presto!”
Tags: EVLA’s Baby Food Maker
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